David Chung | Hong Kong, 1987

France, 2016
Director: Yves Montmayeur
Cast: Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Asami, Shu Qi, Vicky Zhao, Fan Bingbing
Language: cdifferent languages, with Catalan and English Subtitles /
Runtime: 52 min.
Distributor: Brain Works
In 2000, Ang Lee’s pioneering Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon presented a new image of the Asian woman as a rebellious warrior before being followed by others. These Amazons soon invaded other territories besides the seventh art: rock, video games, fashion….
纪录片制作人Yves Montmayeur以影片《卧虎藏龙》为切入点,研究亚洲主流 文化中新的女英雄形象。 这位法国导演从东京到北京寻找多为代表人物和场景 进行访问、拍摄,以达到为观众诠释此主题的目的。