Mikinori Sakakibara, Kunihiko Yuyama | Japan, 2016

Children's matinee
China, 2013
Director: Nelson Shin
Language: dubbed into Catalan /
Runtime: 86 min.
Distributor: Paycom Multimedia
When the King of Frogs anounces that the winner of the Olympic Games will marry his daughter, the princess decides to run away to search for another destiny. The former director of several episodes of The Simpsons returns to his home country, China, to direct this wonderful story about the need to change certain rules.
当青蛙国王宣布奥林匹克运动会的冠军将娶他的女儿时,这位青蛙公主就决定 逃离王宫,追寻自己的道路。该影片的导演也参与指导过《辛普森一家》。这次 他回国为了指导该部电影,告诉观众要敢于打破常规。