Yang Qing | China, 2016

Official Competitive Section
Hong Kong, 2015
Director: Wilson Yip
Cast: Donnie Yen, Max Zhang, Mike Tyson, Lynn Hung, Patrick Tam
Language: Cantonese and English with Spanish subtitles /
Runtime: 104 min
Distributor: Isaan Entertainment
This is the third and last instalment of the Ip Man film series. Yen plays Bruce Lee’s master again. This last episode perfectly combines excellent martial arts fights, choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping, with an introspective portrait of the character and his family. The film also stars Mike Tyson in a role perfect for the size of his fists.
『IP MAN』のシリーズ3作目で最終作。ドニー・イェンがブルー・スリーを演じ、素晴らしい格闘シーンと登場人物の内心の描写が組み合わされている。格闘家のマイク・タイソンの演技も見逃せない。