

Nostalgic pasts and fantasies of the future will mark the sessions at the Bassa of the Asian Summer Film Festival 2024

The Asian Summer Film Festival 2024 unveils the films that will fill the screen of the Bassa dels Hermanos between July 16th and 20th. The outdoor sessions, the most emblematic of the event, always followed by shows at the Open Stage and gastronomy with thematic dinners of the respective countries, as well as thousands of full seats every night, will travel through time and space with varied proposals and with a common denominator: their popular vocation.

The opening ceremony on Tuesday, July 16th will precede the screening of the Japanese film Sabakan (Summer Days 1986). Tomoki Kanazawa's film takes us back to the magic of childhood and totemic names like Yasujirõ Ozu and Hirokazu Koreeda with a story about a writer who, in the midst of a creative block, remembers when he was a child and, together with a friend, traveled an island on a bicycle to see dolphins.

Korean night on Wednesday the 17th will be dominated by Choi Dong-hoon's sci-fi epic Alienoid: Return to the Future. The director of the blockbusters Assassins and The Big Score, two of the highest-grossing films in the country's history, delivers an action-packed, time-travel pyrotechnic spectacle where a group of humans try to stop alien forces from taking over a sacred sword. Although it also works as an independent film, it is the second part of Alienoid —both distributed in the country by Cinetel—, which can be seen in the city on July 12th as part of the program Més Nits!

The night of Thursday 18th will have the stamp of Hong Kong with a pure action film that pits a police chief against a criminal mastermind. Hunt the Wicked, by Chris Huo, doesn't look for subterfuge nor slows down in its 103 minutes of movement, fights, explosions and a story that reminds us of John Woo's classics.

China will also be at the Bassa with Never Say Never, to be screened on the Friday 19th evening. Based on a true story, Wang Baoqiang's second film, which he directs and stars in, explains the rise and fall of a boxing teacher who helps a group of children from underprivileged rural environments find a way out of life.

As every year, the last night at the Bassa belongs to India, with the screening of the already announced HanuMan. The mythological fantasy and adventure film directed by Prasanth Varma will be in charge of closing the busy and celebrated nights at the Bassa dels Hermanos of this edition of the Asian Summer Film Festival, Friday, 20th July.
